Information for pilates classes near Bexley Ohio

Pilates Columbus Ohio

The Barre Workout

Have you heard of the latest great workout? Barre classes have become the hottest workout trend over the past few years. Barre studios are cropping up all over the country. And it is all because of the amazing benefits the class provides!

Pilates Columbus Ohio

Scoliosis….How Pilates Can Help

It is important that anyone with mild to moderate scoliosis make daily exercise part of their routine to treat this condition. While studies show that exercise does not usually reverse the scoliosis, it can help to strengthen the overstretched side, stretch the tighter side and improve posture awareness. Individuals with mild, moderate or severe scoliosis who do not do regular exercises,

Pilates Columbus Ohio

The Sixth Principle of Pilates

Pilates is a form of exercise that connects the mind and the body. It teaches the body to move in a more efficient way. It is a method of movement designed to rebalance all of the muscles that become imbalanced during participation in sports or simply moving through regular life.